Medical Lab Technician

Associate's Degree

With a Medical Laboratory Technician (MLT) degree in Minnesota you can become an essential part of patient diagnosis. In the MLT program, you study comprehensive courses that include clinical chemistry and microbiology, hematology, transfusion medicine and phlebotomy. Hands-on curriculum and experienced training in our NAACLS-accredited MLT program prepare you to have a positive impact on patients’ lives while working primarily behind the scenes. In as few as 21 months, you can earn your degree, prepare for MLT certification online and be on your way to a rewarding healthcare career.1


  • Institutional and Programmatic Accreditation

    Rasmussen University is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (, an institutional accreditation agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. Learn more aboutprogrammatic accreditationand the National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Sciences (NAACLS).

  • Prep for MLT (ASCP) Certification


  • Self-Directed Assessments

    Save time and money on your Associate's degree with self-directed assessments. These $149 online, interactive assessments allow you to show that you already achieved the skills and knowledge for a particular course and don't need to take it. We'll provide prep materials and you can work with a peer tutor to prepare at no additional cost.Learn more about self-directed assessments and other Knowledge Creditoptions.

  • Blend of On-Campus & Online MLT Courses


Medical Lab Technician Credentials Offered

Medical Lab Technician

Associate's Degree

Finish in as few as

21 months1

Learning includes

  • 在校园和在线课程
  • Field Experience

Intended for

Students looking to have a positive impact on patients' lives, work behind the scenes of the medical field and start a successful career as a medical laboratory technician with well-rounded knowledge about the field.

Prepares you for

Medical and clinical laboratory technician

Not Sure If the Medical Laboratory Technologist Program Is Right for You?

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请求更多信息About Our NAACLS-Accredited MLT Program Online and On-Campus

Fill out the form to receive information about:

  • Program Details and Applying for Classes
  • 经济援助和FAFSA(对于那些有资格的人)
  • Customized Support Services
  • Detailed Program Plan


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By selecting "Submit," I authorize Rasmussen University to contact me by email, phone or text message at the number provided. There is no obligation to enroll.

School of Health Sciences Blog

What Does a Medical Lab Technician Do? (A Closer Look)


Read more
medical lab technician putting blood samples in tray



According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), earning a degree, regardless of the field of study, can improve income potential.6Here is an example of where a Medical Lab Technician (MLT) degree can take you.

Clinical Laboratory Technologists and Technicians – Minnesota

  • BLS Earnings Data:3

    • $37,82010th Percentile
    • $46,22025th Percentile
    • $54,62050th Percentile
  • Projected Growth 2018–2028:5


  • BLS Typical Entry-Level Education:

    • Associate's Degree

Clinical Laboratory Technologists and Technicians – National

  • BLS Earnings Data:4

    • $31,45010th Percentile
    • $39,68025th Percentile
    • $54,18050th Percentile
  • BLS Projected Growth 2020–2030:4


  • BLS Typical Entry-Level Education:

    • Associate's Degree



在明尼苏达州的Elmo / Woodbury和Moorhead校园内的医学实验室技术人员副学位计划和威斯康星州的绿湾校区是由国家认可的临床实验室科学(Naacls)的认可。

Rosemount, IL 60018

Additional accreditation details

Medical Lab Tech Program Outcomes



Maia Maiden, Medical Lab Technician Program Coordinator & Assistant Professor

"The level of expertise the instructors provide at Rasmussen is amazing. We all have varied backgrounds and bring awesome real-world experience with a passion for education to the table."

Medical Lab Technician Program Coordinator & Assistant Professor

  1. Completion time is dependent on transfer credits accepted and the number of courses completed each term.
  2. The application fee for each qualified student’s first exam attempt is included in the total program costs. Should you need to take the exam more than once to receive a passing score, you will be responsible for all subsequent exam application fees.
  3. 美国劳工部,美国劳工部,职业就业统计数据通过Careernestop报告,[2019年11月27日获得的薪资数据] BLS salary data represents averaged earnings in Minnesota for the occupations listed and includes workers at all levels of education and experience. This data does not represent starting salaries. Employment conditions in your area may vary.
  4. Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor,Occupational Employment Statistics, [salary data accessed October 6, 2021] Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor,Occupational Outlook Handbook, [career information accessed October 6, 2021] BLS salary data represents national, averaged earnings for the occupations listed and includes workers at all levels of education and experience. This data does not represent starting salaries. Employment conditions in your area may vary.
  5. 劳动力市场就业前景由明尼苏达州就业和经济发展部报告的[2019年12月11日获职业信息] gode=270100000000&code=292012..
  6. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Current Population Study. Unemployment rates and earnings by educational attainment, 2020. Accessed on November 8, 2021. Data is for persons age 25 and older who are full-time wage and salary earners.
  7. Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, [career information accessed October 6, 2021] "Projected growth" represents the estimated change in total employment over the projections period (2020-2030). "Projected job openings" represent openings due to growth and replacement. Employment conditions in your area may vary.
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