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Rasmussen University Online Library


Course Guide for GEB1011 Introduction to Business

Module Support

Tips and Tricks


我很不知所措,当我开始因为this was my first class. I met with a student tutor right away, and they showed me around the online course experience and helped me get organized. They're lifesavers!


I really liked how approachable my instructor was for this course. I guess I've never really been the one who asks for help or anything, but they do live classrooms and stuff because they really want to help. So I'd say reach out to your professor.

Library and Learning Services Quick Reference

Your assignment this week requires you to first imagine yourself in a scenario as an employee in the business of your choice. As you develop your ideas for this scenario, you may find that choosing a role and a company that genuinely interest you helps you form your ideas with greater ease. Student tutors are available for Introduction to Business.Schedule an appointment with a tutor through the Tutor Match link below for assistance as you acclimate to this course and develop your ideas for this assignment. They will be happy to give you a warm welcome and can introduce you to the Rasmussen resources and services that have helped them succeed with their courses!


Optional Library Readings
Course FAQS

Have you written a discussion post before? If not, have no fear: we have resources to help. Though they are short pieces of writing, discussion posts require thoughtful planning. Click on the discussion posts link below to access information to help you get started.

In order to complete your first SWOT analysis, you will need to think critically to formulate your own ideas as you evaluate the anticipated effects that the change you propose would have on the company. Familiarize yourself with SWOT analysis examples, which you can locate by following the steps provided in the FAQ listed below. Reviewing examples will help you solidify your understanding of the task so that you can begin work on your own SWOT analysis for your chosen scenario. Don't forget to use the template in your course.Student tutors are available for Introduction to Business in case you need a fresh perspective on your progress.

Optional Library Readings
Course FAQs

This week's assignment offers you an opportunity to practice business writing skills. Report writing is commonplace in business environments, and communicating effectively in this format requires planning and practice. Get started by reviewing the FAQ regarding business reports and leverage the Writing Guide, both linked below. Once you complete your report, consider submitting it to the Writing Lab for review prior to submitting your final draft for grading. Check with your instructor for their formatting and citation expectations for any sources you may reference. APA is the standard academic style used at Rasmussen University.

Optional Library Readings & Videos:
Course FAQs

This week's discussion may be your first experience using library databases for your research. Be sure to review the information in the Business Management Research box below, and use the databases recommended within the discussion instructions(Business Source Complete via EBSCOandBusiness via ProQuest) to search for relevant articles on the topic of business technology and tools. Connect with a Librarian in Library Chat (below) for additional support.

For the Module 4 Scenario, checkout the support FAQs below for information about how to develop a commercial in Screencast-O-Matic or how to create a brochure or other advertisement for your advertisement. Additionally, if you're interested in learning more about consumers, demographics, and tools to target a market, consider reviewing instructions and database recommendations provided in theConsumers & Demographicspage of the School of Business Guide.

Optional Library Readings
Course FAQs

During this module you will begin working with financial statements. You will be completing a balance sheet and income statement on a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. To learn more about balance sheets and income statements for the Module 5 Scenario, consider reviewing the optional readings and videos near the bottom of this box.Microsoft Office, including Microsoft Excel, is available for you to download at no additional cost, and instructions are listed in the FAQ below.

Optional Library Readings & Videos
Course FAQs

To gain additional perspective on codes of ethics, consider taking the time to review suggested library readings near the bottom of this box. Draft your own poster as assigned, and reach out to a tutor for additional assistance in making your composition effective and appealing.

Optional Library Readings
Course FAQS

Business Management Research

Business Source Complete iconSmall Business Reference Center iconBusiness via ProQuest icon

Or, search nearly all of the business and general education databases using the search box below.

Hello. Search the Business Library!
Advanced Business Discovery Search

eBooks via EBSCO iconProQuest eBook Central icon

Or, search nearly all of the business and general education databases using the search box below.

Hello. Search the Business Library!
Advanced Business Discovery Search
Search Strategies Example:

Assignment: "Research leadership strategies for managing organizational change."

1. Determine keywords:

  • Researchleadership strategiesformanaging organizational change.

2. Determine synonyms. Sample synonyms include:

leadership strategies organizational change
manage institutional change
leadership methods organizational innovation

3. Develop a search string using AND to combine topics and OR to include synonyms.

image of example search string in EBSCOhost

4. To narrow results, review initial search results to determine subject terms. Use the subject term to revise or conduct a new search:

search results in Business Source Complete with drop-down menu for SU Subject Terms

Company Information

Industry Information