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Rasmussen University Online Library

*School of Justice Studies*



Click on the image below to access the Student Success Guide. This Guide contains helpful resources and information about what to expect as a new student, time management tips, and more.


Click on the image below to link to the Weekly Written Assignment page in the Writing Guide for step-by-step instructions for writing high quality discussion posts.



  • 我们的导师是目前的刑事司法学生,了解刑事司法课程介绍的作业的挑战。
  • 看到导师永远不会太早。辅导员可以帮助澄清指令,分享选择主题并编写论文声明的提示,通过图书馆数据库搜索技术,并通过编写注释的参考书目教练。
  • You can schedule an appointment with a tutor usingTutor Match选择Justice Studiesfrom the drop down menu and then pick刑事司法介绍为了tutors trained specifically to help with this class.


  • 一世f您需要撰写论文或APA引用的帮助风格,Y.你可以选择W.riting/Research作为导师中的“主题”匹配,然后“APA”或“写作辅助”与APA连接或写作导师。
  • L.ooking for other writing help besides tutors? Visit our写作指南or写实验室

Grammarly Log in:


  • Grammarly is a software that is自由to Rasmussen students and staff.
  • 语法检查语法,力学,拼写,单词使用,甚至抄袭。
  • 语法不是与你的教师,写作导师或者撰写的替代品在我们的在线辅导服务中写实验室(AKA Brainfuse)
  • There is no limit on the number of papers you can submit to Grammarly. Submit away!


  • 这是一个可以帮助您向您的教师提供最佳工作的工具。
  • W.hen you turn in a paper that has already been reviewed by Grammarly, your instructor is then free to really focus on the content, what you have learned, without being distracted by writing errors.
  • 语法将帮助您建立您的信心,因为您努力成为一个更好的作家。


24 hours a day / 7 days a week. Grammarly will provide almost instant feedback anytime because it is an automated (computerized) service.


  • For directions on如何创建语法帐户click here
  • For directions on如何使用语法的在线版本click here
  • For directions onhow to use Grammarly's plug-inversion,click here


  1. 如何在Microsoft Word中格式化您的论文。
  2. How to include resources in your paper.


以下是一些APA Essentials.

APA纸模板--Download this pre-formatted APA Paper to use for all of your APA assignments! Watch the video for tips on how to use this time-saving template.


APA纸清单- 使用此清单来查看您的APA论文和作业!



Citing a U.S. Supreme Court Case



点击这里为了在为了mation about how to schedule an appointment!




1.创建A.plan for your搜索一个d create a search statement to use in a database search.



4. On the results page, click on the PDF or HTML links to view articles in full-text.




W.hen selecting a topic for the Resource Review project, be sure that your topic:

  • Matches the assignment.
    • Does your topic focus on a Criminal Justice career or a significant issue in the field of Criminal Justice? Also, is this a topic that you, personally, find interesting?
  • 将允许您履行任务的所有必需元素。
    • Required length
    • 所需的数字和类型的来源
    • Specific sections, such as application or evaluation or comparison
  • 你有兴趣了解更多信息。
    • 它不需要成为您已经充分了解的主题。大学的目的是让你学习新事物,所以让你的写作作业帮助你做到这一点!
  • 一世s focused or broad enough that credible resources to support your position are easily located.
    • Your sources should shape and support your theories, arguments, or conclusions.
    • 需要支持个人观点的事实和统计数据。否则,你只是一个有象征的人而不是一个知情的作家。

W.riting a Thesis Statement

  • 一种论文的声明clearly identifies the topic being discussed, it should only cover what is being discussed in the paper, and is written for a specific audience.
  • 你的论文陈述belongs at the end of your first paragraph那一种lso known as your introduction.
    • Use it to generate interest in your topic and encourage your audience to continue reading.
  • 以下是帮助您编写介绍和论文的一些资源:




Before, During, and After Strategies for Readingwill help you understand and remember what your read. Great overall resource!

一世mproving Reading Comprehension是另一个帮助您理解和保留更多eff的资源勉强。



K.-W-L(我是什么, what IW.一个t to know, what IL.earned) will help you activate and use your prior knowledge. So important to the learning process.

Utilize学习表达为了reading assistance. See Adult Learning Center - Becoming a Better Reader; see College Center - Reading Review.

技能冲浪者也可以帮助阅读技能。选择ESL,Collegy和/或Adival College准许主题。

How do Itake notes那会有所帮助吗?





  • L.ibrary databases是可搜索的资源集合,包括全文文章,书籍和百科全书。
  • 搜索在g library databases is different than searching Google. Best results are achieved when using关键词与连接Boolean Operators
  • 一种pplying限制器如全文,发布日期,资源类型,语言,地理位置和主题有助于改进搜索结果。
  • UtilizingPhrasesorFields,除了意识停止单词那可以集中搜索并检索更有用的结果。
  • 有问题吗?通过图书馆与图书管理员联系L.ive Chat寻求帮助。

Boolean Operatorsconnect keywords or concepts logically to retrieve relevant articles, books, and other resources. There are three Boolean Operators:

  • 一种ND
  • OR
  • 不是


  • Narrows搜索结果
  • Connects two or more keywords/concepts
  • 一种ll与“和”连接的关键字/概念必须在文章或资源中出现在搜索结果列表中

Example: The result list will include resources that include both keywords -- "distracted driving" and "texting" -- in the same article or resource, represented in the shaded area where the circles intersect (area shaded in purple).


  • 拓宽搜索结果("OR means more!")
  • 连接两个或多个同义词或相关关键字/概念
  • Resources appearing in the results list will include一个y与或连接器连接的术语

Example: The result list will include resources that include the keyword "texting" OR the keyword "cell phone" (entire area shaded in blue); either is acceptable.


  • Excludes搜索中的关键字或概念
  • 通过删除包含关键字或术语与非连接器连接的资源来缩小结果
  • 谨慎使用

Example: The result list will include all resources that includes the term "car" (green area) but will exclude any resource that includes the term "motorcycle" (purple area) even though the term car may be present in the resource.

一种library database searches for keywords throughout the entire resource record including the full-text of the resource, subject headings, tags, bibliographic information, etc.


  • Natural language words or short phrases that describe a concept or idea
  • 由于全文搜索,可以检索太少或不相关的结果(作者将使用哪些单词编写此主题?)
  • 在搜索中提供灵活性
  • Must consider synonyms or related terms to improve search results
  • 提示:建立一个关键字列表

示例:开发了上面的关键字列表,以找到讨论如何在驾驶事故时发短信的资源。请注意有同义词(texting and "text messaging"),相关条文("cell phones" and texting), and拼写变化(“手机”和手机)。使用keywords when searching full-text requires consideration of various words that express an idea or concept.


  • Predetermined "controlled vocabulary" database editors apply to resources to describe topical coverage of content
  • Can retrieve more precise search results because every article assigned that subject heading will be retrieved.
  • Provide less flexibility in a search
  • 可以与关键字搜索结合以焦点搜索结果。
  • TIP: Consult database subject heading list or subject headings assigned to relevant resources

Example 1: In EBSCO's Academic Search Complete, clicking on the "Subject Terms" tab provides access to the entire subject heading list used in the database. It also allows a search for specific subject terms.

Example 2: A subject term can be incorporated into a keyword search by clicking on the down arrow next to "Select a Field" and selecting "Subject Terms" from the dropdown list. Also, notice how subject headings are listed below the title of the resource providing another strategy for discovering subject headings used in the database.

当搜索词不止一个单词时,enclose the phrase in quotation marksto retrieve more precise and accurate results. Using quotation marks around a term will search it as a "chunk," searching for those particular words together in that order within the text of a resource.





TIP: In some databases, neglecting to enclose phrases in quotation marks will insert the AND Boolean connector between each word resulting in unintended search results.

截断提供一个选项来搜索keywo的根rd in order to retrieve resources that include variations of that word. This feature can be used to broaden search results, although some results may not be relevant. To truncate a keyword, type an asterisk (*) following the root of the word.

For example:

库数据库提供了各种工具来限制和精确搜索结果。限制器provide the ability to limit search results to resources having specified characteristics including:

  • Full text
  • Resource type
  • 发布日期
  • 语言
  • 地理位置
  • 主题


EBSCO ProQuest



  • 作者
  • 标题
  • 期刊标题
  • Date of Publication
  • 一种bstract
  • 主题Headings
  • 发行商

一世ncorporatingFields在to your search can assist in focusing and refining search results by limiting the results to those resources that include specific information in a particular field.

一世n both EBSCO and ProQuest databases, selecting the高级搜索选项将允许将字段包含在搜索中。


停止单词是短暂的,常用的单词 - 文章,介词和代词 - 从搜索中自动删除。典型的停止词包括:

  • 一种
  • 一个
  • 一个d
  • 一种lso
  • 为了
  • is
  • of
  • 所以
  • 哪一个
  • 什么时候
  • 曾是



  • 公司一种merica
  • 公司of一种merica
  • 公司为了一种merica

此短视频演示如何创建搜索字符串 - 与布尔运算符连接的关键字 - 用于在库数据库搜索中使用,以检索任何研究分配的相关资源。