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Student Success Guide

Test Taking Tips

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Beat your test anxiety by being prepared!

利用resources belowto help you best prepare for tests.

Meeting with a Peer Educator: Maximize your academic skills so you can work more efficiently and save time and effort. Having someone 'in your corner' who can share tips and strategies with you is a great way to work smarter, not harder!

Here's how:

Study Aids:


Doing well on tests is about more than knowing the information. Improve your test taking/prep abilities and make the most of what you know!

Learn test taking and prep tips and strategies from the folks who know--Peer Tutors. They have been where you are and can help you maximize your test scores. To connect with a tutor,m艾克在导师匹配中任命!Click这里for step-by-step instructions. You'll selectSuccess Skills在里面话题drop down and then selectTest Taking/Prepfrom theSubjectdrop down menu.

One way to be as successful as possible is to be aware of your current situation so you can make a plan to improve (Metacognition). The same is true for learning skills like test taking and prep.以下资源将帮助您做到:

**For more tutoring resources, visit the box to the left.