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Writing Guide



  • A project helps youbuild skillsthat'll serve you well in and out of school (time management, goal setting, researching, etc.)Employers LOVE these skills!
  • These projects are designed towalk you through one step at a time。Each step builds on the one before it. If you concentrate on each step and complete it on schedule, things will be just fine!
  • Use theother assignment tabs to the leftaccordingly, depending on what your project requirements. For example, you may find that using the Research Paper section works best for the steps of your project.
  • If you do fall behind, contact your instructor about catching up right away. Set up aTutor Matchappointment for extra support to get back on track.

Take it one step at a time, and pay attention to due dates

  • Do not procrastinate!
  • Keepreferring back to the assignmentto make sure you’re right on track.
  • Complete each step on timeor you risk getting off track and that’s where the difficulty begins.
  • Asteady pacewill lead to success!

Focus on the PROCESS to get a good final PRODUCT

  • Things will start to come together as you progress.
  • Continuous review of your project sections will mean a polished end product.Multiple reviewsfrom other sources make for a good end result.
  • If you are required to submit drafts of your project,apply the feedbackfrom your instructor to your project.

Use support and resources as needed

Make it easy on yourself! There are plenty of resources available for you throughout this process.

Remember that writing is a process. If you get stuck as you go,utilize your resources:

  • APA Guidefor help with formatting, citations, and reference page.
  • Grammarlyfor help with spelling, grammar, mechanics, and when you may need to cite something (plagiarism check).
  • Submit to Writing Lab to have your paper reviewed by a tutor.
    • Scroll down to seeDrop Box & Rubric for Writing Submissionbelow.
  • Work with a tutor. Make an appointment with a tutor in Tutor Match.
    • See theTutoring Resourcesbox at bottom left. Click on theTutor Match tab
  • UtilizeLearning Expressfor writing assistance.
  • NoodleToolsfor help with creating in-text citations and reference pages.
  • Watch awebinar (multiple topics)
  • View theEnglish Composition Guidefor helpful resources.

Take the learns

Take notice of the thethings that worked well for youduring the project as well as thethings that didn't go well。Learn from those things and recognize your growth!

Resources for Projects

None at this time.

None at this time.

Paper Review (Brainfuse Writing Lab)

The Writing Lab Rubric

Use this rubric as afirst step to self-assess your assignment。在确定whichcolumn you think best describes your work, use theresources to the right to improve your work。参考它每次你感觉你是附近completion of the assignment to help you stay on track. This is also the same rubric that the Writing Lab staff will use to provide feedback and resources suggestions.

Video:How to use the Rubric

Submit to the Writing Lab (in Brainfuse)

Writing is a process. It helps to have feedback from others as you go through that process. You can submit your work for review to the Writing Lab. Just make sure you have time before your submission deadline (it takes 24-48 hours). Here's the process:

After using the rubricto self-assess where you're at in terms of your assignment and you've made changes using the resources provided, you can opt to submit your assignment to the Writing Lab in Brainfuse for feedback and suggestions. Once you're logged into Brainfuse, click on theWriting LabHow to use the Writing Lab

Using the Writing Lab

  1. Select yourcitation format(Typically APA 7th Edition).
  2. Add yourassignment instructionsfor the reviewer.
  3. Select up to3 areasfrom the provided list where you would like the writing tutor to focus his/her analysis. If no selection is made, then a general review will be completed.
  4. Add any additional comments, uploadyour assignment and clickSubmit.
  5. In 24-48 hours, go back into theMessage Center in Brainfuseand find your reviewed paper. You may find suggestedspecific resourcesfor you, one of which may be a tutor appointment.How to make an appointment with a tutor
  6. Revise your paperusing the resources suggested. If you have any questions, make an appointment with the tutor using Tutor MatchHow to make an appointment with a tutor
  7. After you have made your revisions,use the rubric againto self-assess. At that point, you may feel your assignment is ready to submit to your instructor. If that is the case, do so. If you think yourassignment needs more work, you mayresubmit your assignmentto theHow do I use the Writing Lab?
  8. When you feel your assignment isready for submission to your instructor, submit it using theassignment drop box within your course