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导师匹配:Make an appointmentto meet with a tutor who has been successful in the course or in terms of the learning skill (time management, etc.) Follow the these用户友好的指示。
Live Tutoring:No appointment necessary与这些导师见面。检查时间表并遵循指示并与导师会面进行立即帮助。跟随这些用户友好的指示。NOTE: Full paper review should be done using the Writing Lab.
Writing Lab:Submit a paper for review. TheBrainfuse Writing Lab staff将在24小时内寄回给您。点击BrainFuse找到它Message Center tab和make changes before submission to your instructor. Clickhere了解更多信息。
Study Pairs/Groups:点击Collaborate和Meetto set up a meeting with classmates in a virtual classroom. They're available for 24/7 for your use.跟随这些用户友好的指示。
冲浪技巧:你可以的学习图书馆build your academic skillsusing self-paced tests, videos and more.跟随这些用户友好的指示。
TheAPAGuideis a great place to start! It has everything. If you have specific questions about all things APA or research related, you can use theAsk a Librarianchat service.
Research Papers
Direct Quotations
直接报价应该谨慎使用,只有在绝对必要的时候。请记住,你是写论文的人,而且纸上的绝大多数想法和单词应该是你自己的。你的教练和读者想听到you, and the quotations or paraphrases you use should support what you have written. Watch the video below “Quoting, Paraphrasing, and Summarizing Your Resources” to learn more about quoting and paraphrasing. Keep in mind:
When to use a Quotation:
Although paraphrasing information is preferable, there are specific situations when a quotation can be an effective choice. For example:
Step 2: Choosing a topic
Step 3: Writing a thesis/introduction
看短.视频下面for information on creating an outline in Microsoft Word 2013.
Think of a time when youwanted to know more about a topic(e.g. The best oil to use in your car). You probably went on the internet and looked things up in a search engine like Google. You usedsearch terms(oil for car, synthetic oil better?, 30w oil for car?, etc.) and then sorted through the sites that came up to find the ones that were most applicable and 'legit'. This is actually thesame process you will do for researching for your paper, you'll just do it with a few differences.我们让你更容易because we have provideddatabaseswhere you can find可靠的来源with the information you'll need.
研究简单finding the information这将使你的论文可信。当你研究rch, you arefinding information。
Here are some things to help you navigate through the research process.
Need help with the process?
Step 6: Build the paper: your rough draft
Now that you have the information you need to write your paper, you'll start yourrough draft。You can take the information from your outline and place it into your APA formatted paper that you've already downloaded and saved. Your大纲将向您展示您的段落将包含的内容。你的论文将包括:a
Remember that writing is a process. If you get stuck as you go,utilize your resources:
Step 7: Creating a reference page
Thereference pagewill be at the end of your paper and it will list all of the sources you used. Each in-text citation in your paper should connect to a source on the reference page. Think of it this way, anyone who reads your paper should be able to look up the information you have in your paper.
TheAPAGuidehas a page on创建参考资料完成在研究时可能遇到的每种类型资源的示例。
要找到参考页面的示例,请查看APASample Paper。
看短.视频下面for information on revising your paper.
Now that you've received feedback about your paper, it's time to take that feedback and write your final draft.Double check that the assignment's必要的元素(bulleted from earlier) are all in your paper.
Remember that writing is a process. If you get stuck as you go,reach out for resources。
如果你想feedback on your final draft, you can utilize theWriting Lab:
Step 10: Submit your paper
Use this rubric as a自我评估的第一步。确定哪个列表您最能描述您的工作, use theresources to the right to improve your work。Refer back to it each time you feel you are near completion of the assignment to help you stay on track. This is also the same rubric that the Writing Lab staff will use to provide feedback and resources suggestions.
Writing is a process. It helps to have feedback from others as you go through that process. You can submit your work for review to the Writing Lab. Just make sure you have time before your submission deadline (it takes 24-48 hours). Here's the process:
After using the rubricto self-assess where you're at in terms of your assignment and you've made changes using the resources provided, you can opt to submit your assignment to the Writing Lab in Brainfuse for feedback and suggestions. Once you're logged into Brainfuse, click on theWriting Lab。How to use the Writing Lab。
Using the Writing Lab