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Research Papers

Research Papers

  • Writing research papers give you the opportunity to take adeeper dive into a topicwhile relying on可靠的来源for information. A research paper should be original work from you, the writer. This means that the vast majority of the research paper content should be your own ideas, analysis, and words, and should avoid an overreliance on direct quotations from outside sources. Consider this approach when writing your papers:

  • This process also hones the skills that so many employers find valuable likeresearching有关信息,applyingthe information andprioritizing and organizinginformation, and more.
  • Breaking the process down intosteps将使它更可管理。
  • There are tools to help makeresearchingeasier (see each step above for resources). Here are some starters:

Direct Quotations

直接报价应该谨慎使用,只有在绝对必要的时候。请记住,你是写论文的人,而且纸上的绝大多数想法和单词应该是你自己的。你的教练和读者想听到you, and the quotations or paraphrases you use should support what you have written. Watch the video below “Quoting, Paraphrasing, and Summarizing Your Resources” to learn more about quoting and paraphrasing. Keep in mind:

When to use a Quotation:

Although paraphrasing information is preferable, there are specific situations when a quotation can be an effective choice. For example:

  • 着名的报价
    • Including a famous or familiar quotation can be effective when introducing a topic or in setting the tone of a paper.
  • Words of an Expert
    • Providing the words of an expert can bolster your position or argument.
  • Couldn't Say It Better
    • In rare instances, it may be difficult to paraphrase a short passage without changing the meaning; including a precise quotation may be preferable.
  • Facts and Statistics
    • 事实和统计信息来源 - 包括在表格或图表中提供的来源 - 必须使用文本引文和参考资料在您的论文中记录。
  • 相反的观点
    • Including a quotation that opposes your position can be an effective method to prove why your position on the issue is preferable.


  • For a research paper, you'll use theAPA Word模板
  • The format will remain the same (caps, indents, spacing), you'll just insert your own information and click onSave As
  • Name your document this way:Jstudent_Title_101519
    • Organizing files:
      • Quarter > Course Name > Module > JStudent_exampleproblem_101519
      • Example: Spring 2020 > Eng Comp > Module 3 > JDoe_Discovery and Planning_041520


  • 研究计划可以帮助您组织并保持轨道。

Step 2: Choosing a topic

Step 3: Writing a thesis/introduction

  • Athesis statementclearly identifies the topic being discussed, it should only cover what is being discussed in the paper, and is written for a specific audience.
  • Your thesis statementbelongs at the end of your first paragraph,也称为您的介绍。
    • 使用它来生成对主题的兴趣,并鼓励您的受众继续阅读。
  • Here are some resources to help you write your introduction and thesis:


  • Outline:You have the information you need to write your paper. Take the bullet points with the information underneath and paste it into the APA template format you've already downloaded and saved.
  • Start with the要点
    • You'll build your paragraphs around the main points.
      • 通常,每个段落都有一个主要思想。
    • Fill in details to support each main idea
      • These will also be the bulleted elements from the beginning when you set the assignment up.
  • 思维导图Graphic Organizersmay help you with this process.

看短.视频下面for information on creating an outline in Microsoft Word 2013.


Think of a time when youwanted to know more about a topic(e.g. The best oil to use in your car). You probably went on the internet and looked things up in a search engine like Google. You usedsearch terms(oil for car, synthetic oil better?, 30w oil for car?, etc.) and then sorted through the sites that came up to find the ones that were most applicable and 'legit'. This is actually thesame process you will do for researching for your paper, you'll just do it with a few differences.我们让你更容易because we have provideddatabaseswhere you can find可靠的来源with the information you'll need.

研究简单finding the information这将使你的论文可信。当你研究rch, you arefinding information

Here are some things to help you navigate through the research process.

Need help with the process?

Step 6: Build the paper: your rough draft

Now that you have the information you need to write your paper, you'll start yourrough draft。You can take the information from your outline and place it into your APA formatted paper that you've already downloaded and saved. Your大纲将向您展示您的段落将包含的内容。你的论文将包括:a

Remember that writing is a process. If you get stuck as you go,utilize your resources:

  • APAGuidefor help with formatting, citations, and reference page.
  • Grammarlyfor help with spelling, grammar, mechanics, and when you may need to cite something (plagiarism check).
  • Submit to Writing Lab to have your paper reviewed by a tutor.
    • Scroll down to seeDrop Box & Rubric for Writing Submission以下。
  • 与导师合作。在导师匹配中与导师预约。
    • See the辅导Resources左下角的盒子。点击一下Tutor Match tab
  • Utilize学习表达for writing assistance.
  • noodletools.for help with creating in-text citations and reference pages.
  • View theEnglish Composition Guidefor helpful resources.


    Step 7: Creating a reference page

    Thereference pagewill be at the end of your paper and it will list all of the sources you used. Each in-text citation in your paper should connect to a source on the reference page. Think of it this way, anyone who reads your paper should be able to look up the information you have in your paper.

    TheAPAGuidehas a page on创建参考资料完成在研究时可能遇到的每种类型资源的示例。

    要找到参考页面的示例,请查看APASample Paper


    • Double check that the assignment's必要的元素(bulleted from earlier) are all in your paper.
    • Use theRubricin the box below to self-assess your assignment.
      • 这是写作实验室工作人员将用作书面工作的指导方针相同的标题。使用标题为“得分”您自己的论文。您将在将其提交到写作实验室之前,您将在那里看到有用的资源,以便在提交给书写实验室之前进行任何更改。See the bottom box for complete information about the Rubric and how to use it.
    • You're almost finished!Now that you're getting close to finishing your paper, you can choose to have someone else provide feedback on it before you submit it to your instructor.
      • Submit it to the Writing Lab for review。跟随这些用户友好的指示。将在24-48小时内向您提供反馈。反馈将基于此标题,还将根据改进纸张所需的内容提供具体的下一步。
      • Submit it to Grammarly for review.Grammarly is an automated software that checks for grammar, mechanics, spelling, word usage, and even plagiarism.点击这里了解更多。

    看短.视频下面for information on revising your paper.


    Now that you've received feedback about your paper, it's time to take that feedback and write your final draft.Double check that the assignment's必要的元素(bulleted from earlier) are all in your paper.

    Remember that writing is a process. If you get stuck as you go,reach out for resources

    • APAGuidefor help with formatting, citations, and reference page.
    • Grammarlyfor help with spelling, grammar, mechanics, and when you may need to cite something (plagiarism check).
    • Submit to Writing Lab to have your paper reviewed by a tutor.
      • Scroll down to seeDrop Box & Rubric for Writing Submission以下。
    • 与导师合作。在导师匹配中与导师预约。
      • See the辅导Resources左下角的盒子。点击一下Tutor Match tab
    • noodletools.for help with creating in-text citations and reference pages.
    • View theEnglish Composition Guidefor helpful resources.

    如果你想feedback on your final draft, you can utilize theWriting Lab:

    • Start by looking at the标题在下面的标题和纸质评论框中。这是写作实验室工作人员将用作书面工作的指导方针相同的标题。使用标题为“得分”您自己的论文。您将在将其提交到写作实验室之前,您将在那里看到有用的资源,以便在提交给书写实验室之前进行任何更改。See the bottom box for complete information about the Rubric and how to use it.
    • Submit it to the Writing Lab for review。跟随这些用户友好的指示。将在24-48小时内向您提供反馈。反馈将基于此标题,还将根据改进纸张所需的内容提供具体的下一步。

    Step 10: Submit your paper

    • 使用丢箱将您的成品纸提交给教师
      • 点击一下Attachments按钮。一个新的“附件”窗口将打开。
      • 点击一下Browse按钮。A new window will open, directing you to locate the assignment on your computer.
      • When you have located the assignment file on your computer, select it and click the打开button in the window. The filename will then appear in theFile to Upload场地。
      • Type the title of your assignment in the标题盒子。标题应该是您的第一个姓名和姓氏(即jdoe.doc)。
      • Leave the文件类型drop-down box set to自动侦测
      • Click theUpload File按钮。
      • A message will appear stating that your file upload was successful. Click the好的按钮。
      • A new screen will appear showing your attached assignment and the date and time submitted.
    • Review the instructor's feedback after grading.You will see your writing improve over time.




    Use this rubric as a自我评估的第一步。确定哪个列表您最能描述您的工作, use theresources to the right to improve your work。Refer back to it each time you feel you are near completion of the assignment to help you stay on track. This is also the same rubric that the Writing Lab staff will use to provide feedback and resources suggestions.



    Writing is a process. It helps to have feedback from others as you go through that process. You can submit your work for review to the Writing Lab. Just make sure you have time before your submission deadline (it takes 24-48 hours). Here's the process:

    After using the rubricto self-assess where you're at in terms of your assignment and you've made changes using the resources provided, you can opt to submit your assignment to the Writing Lab in Brainfuse for feedback and suggestions. Once you're logged into Brainfuse, click on theWriting LabHow to use the Writing Lab

    Using the Writing Lab

    1. Select yourcitation format(通常是APA第7版)。
    2. 添加你的assignment instructionsfor the reviewer.
    3. 选择最多3 areas从提供的列表,你会喜欢的车手iting tutor to focus his/her analysis. If no selection is made, then a general review will be completed.
    4. Add any additional comments, uploadyour assignment and clickSubmit.
    5. In 24-48 hours, go back into theBrainfuse的消息中心和find your reviewed paper. You may find suggestedspecific resourcesfor you, one of which may be a tutor appointment.How to make an appointment with a tutor
    6. Revise your paperusing the resources suggested. If you have any questions, make an appointment with the tutor using Tutor MatchHow to make an appointment with a tutor
    7. After you have made your revisions,use the rubric again自我评估。此时,您可能会觉得您的任务已准备好提交给您的教师。如果是这种情况,请执行此操作。如果你认为你的assignment needs more work, you mayresubmit your assignmentto theHow do I use the Writing Lab?
    8. When you feel your assignment isready for submission to your instructor, submit it using theassignment drop box within your course